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Q: What is the good thing about waves?
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Are surface waves and s waves the same thing?


What are good waves?

Big waves

How are infrared waves waves samilar to ultraviolet waves?

They're exactly the same thing, except that they're longer.

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good?

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good source of energy (heat,light ...)

Are longitudinal and compressional waves the same thing?

No, longitudinal and compressional waves are not the same thing. Longitudinal waves are a type of mechanical wave where the particles vibrate in the same direction as the wave is traveling, such as sound waves. Compressional waves, on the other hand, are a type of longitudinal wave specifically defined as waves in which the medium's density changes.

What are the examples of good effects of mechanical waves?

Good effects of mechanical waves include communication through sound waves, medical imaging through ultrasound waves, and seismology for studying earthquakes.

Are radio waves and light waves both electromagnetic waves?

Yes. So are heat waves, ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. They're all the same thing, only with different wavelengths.

How do seismologists determine the type of waves produced by earthquakes?

Seismologists determine the type of waves produced by earthquakes by analyzing the arrival times of P-waves and S-waves at different seismic stations. P-waves are the first to arrive and are compressional waves, while S-waves are slower and are shear waves. By studying the characteristics of these waves, seismologists can classify the earthquake waves and understand the nature of the seismic event.

Give an exaple of a longitudinal and transverse wave?

An example of a longitudinal wave is sound waves, where the disturbance of particles is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. An example of a transverse wave is light waves, where the disturbance of particles is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

What words describe the sea when the waves are good?


What is the big idea of waves?

The idea is that waves are an essential part of the working of our Universe, so if we want to learn how the Universe works, waves are one thing we have to learn about.

Does Jones beach have big waves?

yes it does have big waves and its a good beach