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The function is to provide the whole body with water. IN other words it assists the water vascular system

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Q: What is the function of the pyloric gland?
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List out the digestive glands present in your digestive system and their function in digestion?

The digestive glands in the human digestive system include the salivary glands, gastric glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Their functions are to produce and release digestive enzymes and juices that aid in the breakdown of food components such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as to help with the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

What 2 glands does the stomach contain?

The two glands that are in the stomach are the Pyloric Gland and the Gastric Gland.

Pyloric sphincter function?

The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve that controls the flow of partially digested food (chyme) from the stomach to the small intestine. It regulates the release of chyme in small amounts to ensure proper digestion and absorption of nutrients. Dysfunction of the pyloric sphincter can lead to conditions like gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What is a pyloric ceca?

Pyloric ceca are finger-like projections found in the intestine of some animals, such as fish, amphibians, and insects. They increase the surface area of the intestine for absorption of nutrients and can also play a role in digestion and enzyme secretion.

What is the function of a pyloric stomach in a starfish?

Pyloric caeca or hepatic caeca helps in a starfish's digestion. It is located in the their arms. After swallowing their prey, they then place it in their Pyloric caeca where the digestion process starts.

What is the function of pyloric region?

The pyloris controls the rate of emptying of the stomach.

What function of the thyroid gland?

A function of the thyroid gland is the regulates calcium in blood

Why does the crayfish have a digestive gland when it already has an intestine?

The digestive gland, also known as the hepatopancreas, in crayfish performs additional functions such as producing digestive enzymes to break down food and absorbing nutrients. It works in conjunction with the intestine to ensure efficient digestion and nutrient absorption in crayfish.

What is the function of the pyloric caeca of a fish?

Also known as digestive caeca or hepatic caeca. Pyloric caeca (outpocketing) extends from the pyloric stomach of the starfish into each of the five arms.

What is the function of the thyriod gland?

The main function of the thyroid gland is to control cell metabolism.

What gland stimulates the pituitary function?

The hypothalamus is the gland that stimulates the pituitary gland to release hormones. It does this by secreting releasing and inhibitory hormones that control the pituitary's hormone production.

Do adults have problems with their pyloric sphincter?

While adults can have issues with their pyloric sphincter, it is more commonly associated with infants. In adults, problems with the pyloric sphincter can lead to conditions like pyloric stenosis or gastric outlet obstruction. These conditions can cause symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and difficulty maintaining a healthy weight.