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Q: What is the first sense you loose before dying?
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What is the first sense you lose before dying?

first you will lose your sight

When dying what sense do you lose first?

First sense is your sight.

What is the first sense dying person loses?

you lose your sight first, then your hearing last.

What is the last sense before dying?

The last sense before dying is typically hearing. Studies have shown that the sense of hearing is the last to go as a person nears death, often allowing loved ones to communicate with the person even when they are unconscious or unresponsive.

What is the last sense a dying person lose?

The last sense a dying person loses is hearing.

Which sense does the basilisk loose when Albus Dumbledore attacks it?

Albus Dumbledore doesn't attack the Basilisk, his Phoenix Fawkes does. Fawkes blinds the Basilisk which allows Harry to look at it without dying instantly.

What is the first sense a person loses?

The first sense a person typically loses is their sense of smell. This can be due to various factors such as aging, illness, or injury.

What is the last sense of a patient who is dying will lose?

hearing is the last sense to leave

What is is the last sense you lose before dying?

The very last sense to go before you die is your hearing. this is why when you are giving CPR to someone you are to continue to talk to them and if they do come back from being unconciense they wil know exactually what you said.

Why do people open their eyes and smile just before dying?

This phenomenon is known as the "deathbed vision" and is not uncommon. It is believed to be a reflexive response as the body begins to shut down. The smile and opening of eyes could be indicative of a sense of peace and acceptance in the moments before death.

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