Firstly, contact the poison control center or hospital emergency. A sample of vomit and the poison container should be taken to hospital.
To stay Calm and Find help.
You and the casualy stay engaged in combat if directed or required.
The shape of food poisoning? depends I suppose on what bacteria caused the food poisoning in the first place.
The first stage of treatment for an inhalation poisoning is to remove the victim from the toxic atmosphere immediately
First, determine the cause of dysfunction. Is it physical or psychological? This will determine the course of action.
people often revolt as their first course of action
First and foremost, he is a suspected murderer...
Cleopatra was never divorced. She was married to her two brothers and both were killed. The first by drowning in the Nile and the second by suspected poisoning by Cleopatra herself. She was a widow. Even if you count the sham "marriage" to Marc Antony, she would still be considered a widow because he died before she did.
General Grant's first course of action to destroy the South's salt works in Virginia was to launch cavalry raids into southwestern Virginia. These raids also were designed to destroy the South's valuable railway links that transported salt to parts of Virginia.
There is some evidence that ancient, prehistoric peoples who smelted lead and tin suffered from lead poisoning.
The liver and kidneys are two vital organs that may suffer early damage from poisoning through the skin by organic solvents. These organs are responsible for filtering and detoxifying substances from the body, making them particularly vulnerable to toxic exposure. Immediate medical attention is crucial in cases of suspected poisoning to prevent further harm.
A victim with a foreign-body airway obstruction becomes unresponsive. What is your first course of action?