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When a stimulant and sedative are taken together, both effects are often still present, often in full force according to the dose taken of each individual substance. Also, drug interactions can produce effects which you might not expect from either drug.

So while you might think that taking both together will "cancel each other out", the effects are actually likely to be very different.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

stimulants activate or excited the central nervous system where as depressants slow it down and make it act slower e.g. alcohol you cant walk properly or talk or think straight because everything is slowed down the messages going from your brain to your legs is slowed therefor so are you movements making you walk unbalanced, stimulant e.g. is ecstasy everything is speed up so everything you do is faster you walk faster think faster and talk faster and your eyes go a bit crazy to because everthing goes faster hope i helped a bit :)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A stimulant hightens the senses and engenders more energy within the body to meet a desired effect while a sedative either numbs or calms down the nerves in a set area.

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