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Q: What is the equivalent of 30 c c's?
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What journal entries are made in the books of the Head Office to incorporate the trial balance of an independent branch?

trial balance of a branch consists of four types of a/cs 1) assets a/cs , 2) expenses a/cs, 3) liabilities a/cs and 4) income a/cs. Journal entries to incorporate all branch trial balance accounts in HO books will be as follows : 1) assets a/cs Dr. To Branch a/c. 2) expenses a/cs Dr. To Branch a/c. 3) Branch a/c Dr. To liabilities a/c. 4) Branch a/c Dr. To incomes a/c.

What is the correct plural of the c?

The correct plural of "the c" is "the cs."

What is a cs file?

It's a C# file. C Sharp File

What is the melting point of Cs?

The melting point of Cs (Cesium) is 28.5°C (83.3°F).

What is the plural possessive of letter C?

The plural possessive of "letter C" is "letters C's."

How hot is 30 degrees c?

30 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

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What does cs stand for in BMW's 650cs?

C = coupe S = sport Should have an "i" after CS, so CSi. I = injected.

Is there any pointer called ds cs es ss pointer in C programming?

yes, ds cs es ss are pointers available in c which is used to refer memory segments

What is caesium ions symbol?

Cs+I was looking for the same thing so i figured i would help you out too. Goodluck!!

What are the 2 Cs of Marketing?

the 2 c's of maketing is consumers and compettion

Examples of 7 c's of communication?

The 7 Cs, communication are:Clear.Concise.Concrete.Correct.Coherent.Complete.Courteous.