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Q: What is the effect of spraying deoderant?
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How do you remove wasps?

kill them by spraying insect killer or deoderant on them, or buy a swatter.

What deoderant burns the fastest?

Lynx deoderant.

What is bad effect of spraying pesticides on crops with the use of airplanes?

One bad effect of spraying pesticides with planes is the potential for harming animals that may be in the area. Pesticides can drift, causing imbalances of nutrients in streams.

What is the bad effect of spraying pesticide on crops with the use of airplanes?

One bad effect of spraying pesticides with planes is the potential for harming animals that may be in the area. Pesticides can drift, causing imbalances of nutrients in streams.

What is a bad effect of spraying pesticides on crops with the use of airplanes?

One bad effect of spraying pesticides with planes is the potential for harming animals that may be in the area. Pesticides can drift, causing imbalances of nutrients in streams.

Does Deoderant cause cancer?

Some do cause cancer, and some don't, like CRYSTAL deoderant

What is a good substitute for deoderant?

Talc/baby powder is a great substiute for deoderant. It keeps the armpits dry.

What is a bad effect of spraying chemical pesticide on crops?

Runoff, secondary poisoning of non targets.

What is the best place to hide condoms?

Unscrew a deoderant stick, insert 2 condoms, re-screw on the deoderant stick.

Technological solutions have good and bad effects . What is a bad effect of spraying a chemical pesticide on crops?

it is dangerous to humans

Technology solutions have good and bad effects what is a bad effect of spraying a chemical pesticide on crops?

it is dangerous to humans

Technology can have good and bad effects. What is a bad effect of spraying pesticides on crops?

it can also harm farm animals