I did my science project on how lack of sleep effects learning and i found out that your body dose not react to it, it is the brain that reacts to it because your brain is like the main energy source on your body.It dont matter if you were out very late and you only get 14 mins of sleep if your brain is fullily ralaxed your whole body will be relaxed too.
There are mand side effects that lack of sleep gives you for example dizzyness, headake,vomit and many more
Dizziness, weakness, trouble concentrating, confusion, reduced ability to process thoughts and emotions, exhaustion of mandatory bodily systems (circulatory, nervous, etc.) as well as your lymphatic system... the list goes on.
In extreme cases (only a few minutes of sleep in 3+ days/nights) you can expect hallucinations and beyond 10 days, death as your body is no longer able to keep up with the demands of constantly being in an alert state.
It is possible to do without sleep for a while but the results are harmful and unhealthy. Due to sleep deprivation, people will normally drift into microsleeps. Microsleeps are short periods of sleep lasting for a few seconds. It is similar to the feeling when students doze off in class. When driving a car, microsleeps obviously pose a threat to both the driver and others around him.
Loss of sleep will result in difficulties with concentration and performance of simple everyday tasks such as putting the dishes away. College students are the most sleep deprived people in the United States. They tend to stay up very late studying for quizzes and exams and sometimes party until the next day. In reality, studying all night does not help in memorizing and retrieving information since sleep is essential in normal brain functioning, memory, and concentration. Sleep deprivation, not only among college students but everybody, is a very serious issue.
The symptoms of sleep deprivation include: extreme tiredness during the day, droopy eyelids, inability to focus attention, and irritability. It is best to get around eight hours of sleep because it allows the brain to function at its potential. Overall, sleep lets the body and mind rest from all the activities throughout the day so they will be healthier the next day.
Yes, a lack of sleep can have a negative effect on a male's sperm count. It has been reported that a lack of sleep can reduce a man's sperm count by a third.
at the part were troy opens the cutans he dyes
It may have a small effect, but for the most part, no.
It can effect the business travellers proffesional performace due to lack of sleep.
yes of corse it will the more sleep the better but don't worry it won't affect it much
a player doesnot stay energetic anymore and can not play with his/her full potential
low concentration bags below eyes in the morning no energy cranky moody irritated eyes
I am assuming you mean "how does a lack of sleep effect your eyes?" Low levels of sleep will cause redness in the whites of the eyes and will cause you to get dark circles under the eyes.
People do not die from lack of sleep- but they DO die from lack of food.
Sleep more.
Yes, lack of sleep has been linked to breakouts.
Yes, anxiety disorder can effect physical health depending on the severity of your anxiety...cold sweats, lack of sleep, twitches are all common symptoms.