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"Horse" is slang for heroin.

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Q: What is the drug Horse?
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Which street drug is a horse tranquilizer?


Will white horse come up on a drug test for anything?

White Horse, if you mean heroin, will definitely show up on a drug test. Most drug tests are paneled to look for Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Marijuana, Heroin, Amphetamines.

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What is the human equivalent of the horse drug adequan?

aha no 1 cares :)

What type of drug will put a horse to sleep for a couple hours?

You could give the horse a calpose injection it ill put it to sleep for a while.

How much faster does steroids make the cow or pig or horse or sheep grow?

The speed of growth from a cow, a pig, or a horse given steroids to make it grow faster depends on the amount of drug given to the animal, and the frequency the drug is given.

What is the real name for horse tranquizer?

The brand and generic name of the drug known as a horse tranquilizer is ketamine. It is known to instill feelings of euphoria and hallucinations in humans.

What is someone who shoots up heroin called?

A junkie, an addict, or a drug abuser. Some people call heroin abusers horse heads, horse being another term for heroin.

Is makeup made up with horse pee?

No, but a drug called Premarin is. Premarin is short for PREgnant MARes urINe.

Horse have ear infection can you give him penicillin?

Penicillin is not always the best drug to give to a horse, you should consult with your equine veterinarian to get an exact idea of what medicine should be used for the ear infection.

What has the author Terry Waters written?

Terry Waters has written: 'A drug called horse' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY

What is a drug that will make a horse drowsy?

There are several, all of which require a veterinarian's prescription to acquire. One of the most common is Acepromazine, although it should not be used in stallions due to a potential side effect of the drug.