The distance between Fayetteville NC to Boone NC from city center to city center depends on the route taken. The straight route between the two cities is 203.26 miles.
The total distance from Boone, NC to Raleigh, NC is 173 miles.
The shortest driving distance from Hazlet, NJ to Fayetteville, NC is 541 miles.
100 miles.
The distance between Boone, NC and Ashville, NC is 85 miles or 1 hour and 50 minutes driving time.
740 miles.
90 miles taking U.S. 421 NORTH.
The shortest driving distance is 202 miles.
The road distance from Aberdeen, NC to Fayetteville, NC is approximately 50 miles, and the driving time is around 1 hour. It may vary depending on the specific route and traffic conditions.
263 miles
About 120 miles.
It is 32.9 miles according to Google Maps.
697.39 miles / 1122.35 kilometers