It's arbitrary (and some chemicals are classed as both);
but in general organic contains carbon molecules and/or those related to life. It is the chemistry of carbon containing compounds.
Inorganic is everything else and generally do not contain carbon (with some exceptions).
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not (though there are some exceptions).
Inorganic compounds generally do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, while organic compounds do. Inorganic compounds are typically simpler in structure and have fewer types of elements compared to organic compounds. Additionally, organic compounds are usually associated with living organisms, while inorganic compounds are not.
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not.
An organic molecule contains carbon, whereas an inorganic molecule does not.
Basically, organic compounds have carbon. Inorganic do not (though there are some exceptions).
In general, organic compounds are those compounds which contain carbon (with few exceptions). Inorganic compounds do not
No. The difference between an organic and an inorganic compound, ionic or otherwise, is that an organic compound contains carbon bonded with hydrogen while an inorganic compound does not.
Organic compounds are carbon-based compounds that typically contain hydrogen and other elements like oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Inorganic compounds do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds; they can include minerals, salts, metals, and gases like carbon dioxide. Organic compounds are usually associated with living organisms, while inorganic compounds are typically associated with non-living matter.