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Transdermal usually means the drug is delivered through a patch.

Topical tends to mean a cream, lotion or ointment is applied to the skin.

Essentially both are applied to the skin.

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13y ago

Topical medicine is used for superficial infection in skin and transdermal medicine is

used for systemic infections.

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Q: What is the difference between transdermal medicine and topical medicine?
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topical steriod therapy psoralen photochemotherapy(topical/oral) In surgery- skin grafting (its an expensive affair) The best result is through- ALTERNATIVE medicine - Homeopathy

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I lost nearly 3/4 of my hair. Fluocinolone topical was the 4th topical I was prescribed. I used it for about a week before the hair loss started. By the time the doctor figured out it was the medicine the damage was already done. They switched me to a different topical steroid and the hair loss stopped. I had waist length blond wavy hair.

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