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Q: What is the difference between the cerebrum and the cerebellum?
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What is Line between cerebrum and cerebellum is called?

The line between the cerebrum and cerebellum is called the tentorium cerebelli. It is a tough, fibrous structure that separates the supratentorial region (containing the cerebrum) from the infratentorial region (containing the cerebellum).

Which is bigger medulla cerebrum or the cerebellum?

r cerebellum

Where in your brain is the cerebellum?

At the back, nestled between the brain stem and the cerebrum.

Does the cerebellum connects the cerebrum and the spinal cord.?

Yes, the cerebellum connects the cerebrum and the spinal cord.FalseFalse

Does the peduncle connect the cerebellum to the brainsteam?

Yes.superior cerebellar peduncle : between cerebellum and midbrainmiddle cerebellar peduncle : between cerebellum and ponsinferior cerebellar peduncle : between cerebellum and medulla

What part separates cerebellum hemispheres?

tentorium cerebelli separates your cerebellum from your cerebrum.

What are the functional differences between the cerebellum and cerebrum?

The differences between cerebrum and cerebellum are: Cerebrum has sensory areas that interpret sensory activities, association areas that are concerned with emotional and intellectual processes like will, judgement, memory etc. It controls all voluntary activities. Cerebellum coordinates muscular activities and maintains body posture and balance.

What part of the brain connects the cerebrum the cerebellum and the spinal chord?

The cerebellum connects the cerebrum and the spinal cord.

What is lies between the cerebrum and cerebellum?

The structure that lies between the cerebrum and cerebellum is the brainstem. The brainstem serves as a crucial pathway for transmitting information between the brain and the rest of the body. It is responsible for basic functions such as heart rate, breathing, and consciousness.

What is the meaning of cerebrum cerebellum and brainstem?

cerebrum is the largest part of the brain

Why is the hindbrain located below the cerebrum?

because the cerebellum is the hind brain and resides in occipital fossae. cerebrum is the brain not including the cerebellum