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When you talk, your vocals cords vibrate. When you whisper, they don't vibrate at all.

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Q: What is the difference between talking and whispering?
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What is the difference between speaking and whispering?

Speaking involves producing sound with the vocal cords at a normal volume and tone, while whispering is speaking in a hushed or quiet voice by pushing air out of the mouth with minimal vocal cord vibration. Whispering is done to convey a message discreetly or avoid disrupting others.

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Another word for talking quietly is whispering.

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this is for one thing and these is if you are talking about many things.

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Bynot sharing, and if your whispering, or talking about them, and they know you aredoing it they don't like it.

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The difference is that someone whispering has a lower intensity and someone shouting has a higher intensity.

Compare and contrast the sound waves produced by someone whispering and someone shouting .?

The difference is that someone whispering has a lower intensity and someone shouting has a higher intensity.

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In literature, the speaker is talking to others in the story; the narrator is talking to the reader.

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He might be talking about you in a good way or bad

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