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Q: What is the difference between challenges and constraints?
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There is far difference between game and instrument. We play game to overcome the challenges but we play instrument for the enjoyment.

What is the difference between assumptions and constraints in project management?

Assumptions are beliefs taken for granted as true, while constraints are limitations that restrict project activities. Assumptions guide planning, while constraints impact execution. Both are important in project management for successful completion.

What were the challenges she faced?

She faced challenges such as lack of support from her family, financial constraints, and gender discrimination in her field of work. Despite these difficulties, she persevered and achieved success in her endeavors.

What is the difference between problems and challenges?

problems are something that you are stuck on and can't figure out. A challenge is something that will be hard to do

What challenges might you encounter?

Some common challenges you may encounter include communication barriers, lack of resources, time constraints, and resistance to change. It's important to be proactive in addressing these challenges to ensure project success.

Difference between function and objective function?

The linear function Z=c1x1+c2x2+c3x3+..........+cnxn which is to minimized or maximized is called Objective Function of general Linear Programming Problem.The innequalities of LPP are called constraints.

What is the difference between a numerical constraint and a geometric constraint?

Dealing with engineering or CAD, a geometric constraint deals with constraints such as parallel or perpendicularity. A numeric constraint deals with distances and size. Width, length, and depth are examples of these.--------Geometric constraints are constant, non-numerical relationships between the parts of a geometric figure. Numeric constraints are number values, or algebraic equations that are used to control the size or location of a geometric figure :)

What is the difference between a geometric constraint and a numeric constraint?

Dealing with engineering or CAD, a geometric constraint deals with constraints such as parallel or perpendicularity. A numeric constraint deals with distances and size. Width, length, and depth are examples of these.--------Geometric constraints are constant, non-numerical relationships between the parts of a geometric figure. Numeric constraints are number values, or algebraic equations that are used to control the size or location of a geometric figure :)

How does an entreprenuer influence busniess?

Business situations consist of number of challenges, constraints and opportunities that impact on the business performance of a firm.

What is the difference between time constraints vs time restraints?

time constraints basically means lack of time or shortage of time to do a particular task or activity. time restraints means a situation where one is unable to reach a specified goal set earlier, on account of time shortage.

What were some challenges that john bede Polding had to overcome?

John Bede Polding had to overcome challenges such as establishing a Catholic presence in a predominantly Protestant society, navigating cultural differences between English and Irish Catholics in Australia, and managing the financial constraints of building and maintaining Catholic institutions in a new and remote colony.