"a "vaccine" is the thing you get vaccinated WITH..
a "vaccination" is the process of being vaccinated."
WRONG the real answer is that vaccinations are naturally weakened form of the virus, this was made by edward Jenner and was named vaccination for some stupid latin reason. The vaccine however ( made by Louis pasteur) is an Artificially weakened form of a virus and Louis pasteur named it in honor of edward Jenner's vaccination.
If you're immune to something, your system is resistant to it. However, if you're vaccinated, you're not immediately immune, and in fact, it may not help you at all. When you're vaccinated, you're simply given a shot. I believe most shots take a while to take effect. Some don't take effect at all.
The brake booster is part of the power brake system.
The difference between a vaccine and a booster is the time it is given. A vaccine is primarily referred to as the first dose of a medicine to prevent disease. A booster is a dose given after the initial dose to strengthen the effect of the first dose.
It depends on what the immunization is for. Some immunizations take 1 shot; or 2 spaced out over weeks; or a series; or have a "booster" required.
The main differences between an antibiotic and an immunization are that an immunization is a preventative measure and an antibiotic is usually used to treat a current illness, another difference is that a vast majority of immunizations are either a small amount of live or dead virus that it is meant to protect against whereas antibiotics are not. Immunizations are used to treat specific diseases and ailments where antibiotics are used on more of a broad spectrum usually. Hope this answers most of your questions.
an amplifier is electronic equipment that increases strength of a signal and a booster is voltage regulation in (DC) direct current electrical power circuits. Basically an amplifier increases strength and a booster regulates voltage.
The main difference between a car seat and a booster seat is that a car seat is designed to restrain and protect younger children who are not yet big enough for a seat belt, while a booster seat is meant to position and elevate older children so that the seat belt fits them properly for maximum safety in a vehicle.
The standard course of immunization for healthy children is three doses of DPT (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) preparation given between two months and six months of age, with booster doses given at 18 months and at entry into school.
If your immunization is up to date, then you are fine! If not, you should get a tetanus shot ASAP after getting a rusty scrape or puncture wound. If you don't, and you haven't had a tetanus shot in the last 10 years, you can get Lockjaw.
rabies immunization
Vaccination and Immunization
the leak between master cylinder and booster is where difference type of gasket is worn out depended on the type of your vehicle...older vehicle usually have flat gasket but mostly have O-ring Gasket the need to be replace. you have a bad master cylinder its leaking fluid into your booster the seal or oring is just to prevent vacuum leak change master cyl before the fluid attacks the booster and you spend another 170.00
The answer depends on the immunization.