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sorbed dose (also known as total ionizing dose, TID) is a measure of the energy deposited in a medium by ionizing radiation. It is equal to the energy deposited per unit mass of medium, and so has the unit J/kg, which is given the special name gray (Gy).

ote that the absorbed dose is not a good indicator of the likely biological effect. 1 Gy of alpha radiation would be much more biologically damaging than 1 Gy of photon radiation for example. Appropriate weighting factors can be applied reflecting the different relative biological effects to find the dose equivalent.

Dose equivalent= absorbed dose x radiation weighting factor( or quality factor).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

amount your body absorbs in comparison to intake

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Q: What is the difference between absorbed dose and equivalent dose?
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