Absolute strength measures strength regardless of your body size, while relative strength measures strength adjusted for your weight.
There is no difference between the two. Relative risk is the same as relative ratio. Commonly abbreviated as RR, relative risk/ratio is measure of absolute risk in one population as a proportion of absolute risk in another. It is a measure of the strength of association.
relative change is a proprotional change where absolute change is a complete change.........
absolute location is the exact place and relative location is were the place is related to something else.
Relative age is the age of a rock relative to the rock layers around it, absolute age is a rock's exact age.
absolute deviation is a difference between say two numbers. The result has the same units as the two numbers have. Relative deviation is a ratio and so it is a pure number without any units.
Absolute path: Path from root directory (it is the same place, wherever the current path is) Relative path: Relative to the current path.
In Absolute mode all positions entered are relative to the current Datum or Zero Point. In Incremental mode all positions are relative to the last point programmed.
Okay, darlin absolute time is the time exactly, like the absolute time is 9:33. Relative time is rounded basically, you probly hear people say its relatively 'round 9:30. Hope that helps.
The term "absolute zero" is used for the minimal possible temperature (-273 K). The term "relative zero" is not a term I know, but it could refer to the difference between two velocities, which are equal. In Physics, independent observers do not observe a velocity of the other if they are moving at the same speed (relative zero). <Feb 18, 2014 - Bruno>
An 'absolute' hyperlink refers to the use of the complete URL.Example:http://www.yourdomain.com/filename.htmlA 'relative' hyperlink refers to using only the name of the file. (Using a 'relative' link will work only within the domain where the file is located.)Example: /filename.html
A relative reference in Excel adjusts based on the position of the cell it refers to. An absolute reference remains fixed when copied to other cells.
Absolute is used to refer to a specific position on the screen. Relative is for refering to a position relative to a another item. If you wanted something 1 inch from the top and 1 inch from the left, that would be an absolute. If you wanted something 1 inch below the position it would be normally displayed, then that would be relative. <span style="position:absolute; top:1in; left:1in;">This is absolute</span> <span style="position:relative; top:1in;">This is relative</span>