

Best Answer
  • a) caffeine

    b) marijuana

    See the link for marijuana.

  • In my opinion, I don't think caffeine should be considered one of the safest drugs to use. Caffeine overdoses usually never cause death but they can still damage your body significantly
  • In my opinion, marijuana on is so benign you could die more easily from consuming too many raw potatoes than smoking or eating to much weed.
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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are a very large number of legal drugs, probably in the thousands, and a somewhat smaller number of illegal drugs. Legal drugs include the very popular alcohol and tobacco, as well as aspirin, penicillin, motrin, anti-histamines, etc. Illegal drugs include such things as heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, etc. Marijuana has become a legal gray area. The legal status of that drug depends upon the jurisdiction you are in, as well as your personal medical condition (since some people have a medical need for it and some don't).

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The main difference is the law

Illegal drugs are generally supposed to be highly addictive with proven damage to health, physical and/or mental

Prison sentences are the top end of the scale for possession of an illegal drug, these sentences can involve a number of years in prison

In the UK for example, prison sentences are up to 2, 5 or 7 years depending on the "class" of drug involved

Nearly every illegal drug has a legal equivalent, with similar effects and benefits along with negative aspects, including side-effects

Methadone for example, it is used as a Heroin substitute as part of a treatment for addicts, albeit under very strict control by authorised vendors

Most legal drugs are mass produced by large multinational companies for huge profits, most illegal drugs are produced by criminal groups for, arguably less but still substantial, profit

One could argue that as a lot of illegal drugs come from naturally occurring plants, large companies cannot patent them and therefore cannot make huge profits, while their own creations, that can be just as addictive and far more dangerous, are considered legal

Stigma is also a large difference between the two,

Marijuana with it's proven benefits and alleged/proven side-effects is met, with a sometimes fearful and hysterical response

Anti-depressants however, with similar benefits, proven side-effects and known withdrawl issues are considered to be a form of wonder drug, despite the side-effects being all and more of those associated with the aforementioned illegal plant

(This is no attempt to condone the use of illegal plant matter, always obey the law, rather it is an interesting fact)

Portugal is a country that has decriminalized all drugs

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βˆ™ 13y ago

marijuana. (or any over the counter cough suppressant). also prescription pills.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Legal drugs are ones that you can take without getting in trouble, illegal drugs are ones that you will get busted for taking.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

some illegal drugs are like coce (cocaine) weed and< smoking pot

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βˆ™ 13y ago

a illegal drug is illegal, and a legal drug is not

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βˆ™ 4y ago

Who is profiting from the sale...

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Q: What is the difference between a illegal drug and a legal drug?
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To the abuser, it is an equal concern. The abused body doesn't care if the drug was legal or illegal.

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