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Q: What is the definition of personal health habits?
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Improving personal health habits cannot prevent serious diseases such as cancer stroke or heart disease.?


Improving personal health habits cannot prevent serious diseases such as cancer stroke or heart diseases?


What is the best definition of microeconomics?

study of economics that focuses on individual areas of an economy such as businesses, households, and the personal buying habits of everyone in the society

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A slob is a person who is messy, untidy, or careless in their personal habits or appearance.

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It deals with one's family history, personal health, eating habits, etc. It's not contagious.

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Should people who choose to engage in health-damaging personal habits like smoking overeating and not exercising pay higher insurance premiums than people who choose to engage in health-promoting beha?


Describe some personal habits that are important to you?

Personal habits to discuss on the interview need to be positive signs of responsibility and growth. Describe structured habits and routines. Organizational skills and memory abilities.