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Q: What is the day free from normal work?
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What do Aerospace engineers do in a normal day?

Aerospace engineers work in a normal day hope i helped lol

What do Mexicans do on a normal day?

Work, and in a weekend do weed

What is the day of the week known as free day to the people that dont work on this day?

Saturday (only if you don't have to work night or day)

What is a normal day at work like for you?

The normal day at work is different for each person. For many people the day starts off with getting up and having breakfast. Then they go to work for 7 or 8 hours and then go home, eat dinner, and then go to bed.

Do Australians work on election day?

Yes. Australians continue with all of their normal activities on election day. However, election day is always held on a Saturday, so only those who normally work on a Saturday work on election day.

How many man hours does a stable boy work a day?

That depends on his/her contract but it would be normal to do an 8 hour day.

Are Gmail labs free?

Yes, they are normal Gmail features except they are not guaranteed to work and you can turn them on and off.

I am 5 weeks pregnant with lower back pain is this normal I work in an office sitting all day and it's mostly at work when I get it. Help?

Yes, lower back pain is normal.

Can a disabled person volunteer to work for free?

no they pay £800 a day noob!

How can i go and talk to him at work?

It just depends why you feels standoffish with him in the first place. Either way it has to happen because you work together so just talk to him like a normal work day and go about your day.

Is a employer allowed to make you work on your day off for free?

No US employer can ever compel you to work for free. ALL work, without exception, must be paid. The employer can change your schedule, but must pay for your work.

DoesJustin Bieber get time to be free?

yes he takes at least one day off every week to be normal and hangout.