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There is no true cure for hangovers, but one of the symptoms is dehydration , so water is probably the best thing you can take, next to eating some easily digested protein , and of course , the old stand by , aspirin , if you can take it.

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Q: What is the cure for hangovers?
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Yes, part of the symptoms of a hangover are from alcohol withdrawl, so consuption of more alcohol will counteract this.

When was The Hangovers created?

The Hangovers was created in 1968.

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It's great for settling an upset stomach, so in a sense, yes. I wouldn't say it entirely cures a hangover though..

When was Highway to Hangovers created?

Highway to Hangovers was created in 2006.

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A greasy breakfast will sometimes cure a hangover because the stomach is usually empty after a night out drinking. Eating and getting the stomach full helps to quell the acid in the stomach caused by the alcohol.

When was Music for Hangovers created?

Music for Hangovers was created on 1999-06-15.

When was Many Happy Hangovers to You created?

Many Happy Hangovers to You was created in 1966-01.

When was Dead Drunk Live Hangovers created?

Dead Drunk Live Hangovers was created in 1991.

Can not getting hangovers be generic?

No. It is just that some people get hangovers and some don't. Nothing to do with genes. Hope that helps. :)

What are the release dates for Body Shots - 2009 Hangovers?

Body Shots - 2009 Hangovers was released on: USA: 9 May 2011