Cyclohexane which is a cycloalkanes, has a structural formula of C6H12. It may be written in a condensed form as (CH2)6.
The condensed structural formula for N-methylaniline is CH3C6H4NH2.
The condensed structural formula for 2,2-dimethylbutane is CH3C(CH3)2CH2CH3.
The condensed structural formula of pentyl acetate is CH3COO(CH2)4CH3.
The condensed structural formula for 4-decene is CH3(CH2)8CH=CH2.
The condensed structural formula for methyl acetate is CH3COOCH3.
The complete or full structural formula shows all the atoms and their bonds separately. The condensed structural formula shows the atoms present but does not show the bonds.
The condensed structural formula of methyl propyl ether is CH3OCH2CH2CH3.
The condensed structural formula for ethanol is CH3CH2OH.
The condensed structural formula of hexyl acetate is: CH3COO(CH2)5CH3
The structural formula show the position of atoms in a molecule.
The condensed structural formula for 1-pentene is CH3CH2CH=CHCH3.
The condensed structural formula for 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane is CH3-CH(CH3)-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2.