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lazier, laziest

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Q: What is the comparative and superlative form of lazy?
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Related questions

Is lazy superlative or comparative?

Lazy is the positive degree. The comparative is lazier, and the superlative is laziest.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word lazy?

The comparative form of lazy is lazier. The superlative form of lazy is laziest.

What are comparative and superlative words for lazy?

Comparative: lazier Superlative: laziest

What is the comparative and superlative of lazy?

comparative: lazier superlative: laziest

What are the comparative and the superlative of lazy?

lazier, laziest

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comparative - merrier superlative - merriest

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"Older" is the comparative form of old. The superlative form is oldest.

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The comparative form of cloudy is "cloudier". The superlative form is "cloudiest".

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The comparative form of "grumpy" is "grumpier," and the superlative form is "grumpiest."

What is comparative and superlative form of bit?

"Bit" is a noun and a verb and, as such, does not have a comparative or superlative form.

What are comparative and superlative degrees of wet lazy industrious.?

Comparative: Wet: wetter Lazy: lazier Industrious: more industrious Superlative: Wet: wettest Lazy: laziest Industrious: most industrious

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Sweetie is a noun and does not have a comparative or superlative form.