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Cleaves proteins into smaller polypeptides

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Q: What is the chief function of pepsin?
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What is the source of pepsin?

Pepsin is an enzyme which is secreted by Zymogen cells of the stomach. First it is secreted in an inactive form called Pepsinogen. After that Hydrochloric acid (HCl) activates it into pepsin. FUNCTION:Its function is to hydrolyse the proteins to yield peptide.

What cells in the stomach function to form enzymes and acids?

The chief cells in the stomach are responsible for producing digestive enzymes such as pepsinogen, which is converted into pepsin, and gastric lipase. Additionally, parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid that helps in the breakdown of food and also creates an acidic environment to activate pepsin.

What is pepsin secreted by?

Pepsin is secreted by the chief cells in the stomach lining. It is an enzyme that plays a key role in breaking down proteins into smaller peptides during the process of digestion.

Location and function of pepsin?

pepsin is a proteolytic enzyme present in the gastric hydrolyses proteins into peptones.

Pepsin is an enzyme released by the?

Pepsin is an enzyme released by the chief cells in the stomach. It helps in the digestion of proteins by breaking them down into smaller peptides. Pepsin is activated by the acidic environment in the stomach.

Which cells secrete Pepsin?

Chief cells in the stomach secrete pepsinogen, which is then activated to pepsin by hydrochloric acid present in the gastric juice. Pepsin is an enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides during the process of digestion.

What parts of the human body does pepsin come from?

Pepsin is a digestive protease released by the chief cells in the stomach that functions to degrade food proteins into peptides

What is the function of the enzyme pepsin in the digestive system?

Pepsin is an enzyme that helps break down proteins in the stomach during digestion.

State where in the digestive system you would find pepsin?

Pepsin is a digestive protease (EC released by the chief cells in the stomach that functions to degrade food proteins into peptides. From:

What is the function of HCI?

coverts pepsinogen to pepsin Destroys bacteria

What digestive enzyme does not function in high pH?

Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that does not function well in high pH conditions. It works optimally in acidic environments, like the stomach, where the pH is low.

What part is pepsin in your body?

Pepsin is an enzyme that is found in the stomach. It plays a key role in breaking down proteins into smaller peptides for digestion. Pepsin is produced by the chief cells in the stomach lining and activated in the acidic environment of the stomach.