There are too many things that could cause these conditions such as shock to the body (from a car accident) severe pain; heart attacks, etc. If you or anyone you know looks like this get them into ER immediately!
Clammy cold sweat is the body's response that it is overheating and its the body's way of cooling off. Sometimes it from a medical condition such as Diabetes, low blood sugar, a heart attack and anxiety to name a few.
A cold sweat is when the body sweats in response to stress or fear, causing the skin to feel cold and clammy. It is a natural physiological response to a perceived threat, causing the body to cool down in anticipation of a fight-or-flight reaction.
My hands were cold and clammy?
A clammy forehead usually happens do to perspiration. Sweat glands help the body stay cool when it gets hot, thus causing a moist clammy feeling on the surface of the skin.
Gas in the chest area typically does not cause skin to feel clammy or make a person sweat. Sweating and clamminess are more commonly associated with conditions like anxiety, illness, or hormonal changes. If you are experiencing these symptoms along with gas in the chest area, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
unpleasantly wet or cold
Fact !... Reptile skin is dry - not clammy. Their temperature is governed by external heat sources.
During shock, blood is conserved for the vital organs, and blood flow to the skin is decreased. This makes the skin feel cold and clammy.
I use too much salt
Vomiting can cause clammy skin. When one vomits, it depletes the body of nutrition and electrolytes. This may affect the appearance and feel of skin.
Clammy:1. covered with a cold, sticky moisture; cold and damp:2. sickly; morbid:Medical definition:: being moist and sticky