Germs spread by any way. By air water and humans and animals. Many Germs can spread by touching the face or hands.
The best way to prevent germs is to bathe daily along with washing your hands frequently throughout the day. Also it is always good to avoid unsanitary objects and locations.
hand washing
The easiest way is to wash your hands constantly!
In the environment and on surfaces, products are referred to as "antiseptics" and "anti-microbial." For germs in a living organism, the term is "antibiotics." To reduce the spread of germs, a simple way is to wash your hands. It greatly reduced the number of infections when hospitals began enforcing the rule for doctors and nurses.
The single best way to minimize the spreading of germs between people is to:
One way they can be spread of by touching germs and then putting your hands in your mouth. Others way can include breathing on someone or by other parasites.
no the only thing their spreading is their sliva. but that is a way of how cat clean themselves.
Diseases can spread through various means, including person-to-person contact, infected animals, contaminated food or water, and insect bites. They can also be transmitted through droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing, or through contact with contaminated surfaces. It is important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly, covering coughs and sneezes, and avoiding close contact with sick individuals to help prevent the spread of diseases.
Handwashing is the best way to reduce the spread of infectious disease.
Sneeze guards are a great way to prevent germs from getting to your food. This are effective due to the the fact that many people may sneeze while getting food from the buffet.
Touch free soap dispensers have become really popular lately because of the increase in the population, which increases the spread of germs. The spread of germs is worse and faster than ever before. Many public bathrooms have hands free soap dispensers, toilets, and sink faucets. Now they are making their way into our homes as well!