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pay attention or let your mind wander. that has always worked for me. cant garuntee you will pass the class.

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Q: What is the best way to not fall asleep in class?
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What is the best way to fall asleep?

meditation relaxing

What are some of the best remedies to help one fall asleep?

Having a bedtime routine is one way to help yourself fall asleep. There are prescription medicines that your doctor can prescribe to help you fall asleep. You can also try natural herbs like Melatonin.

What is the best way to induce a lucid dream?

In my personal experience, the best way is to daydream as you fall asleep. Think about what you want to dream about, visualize it in your mind. For example, if you want to dream about flying, visualize yourself flying in your mind. Be sure to think about this until you fall asleep, and don't let your mind go blank. This will allow you to remain concious of your dreams as you fall asleep.

Fall asleep fast?

you need to remove distractions from your sleeping area and understand that counting sheep is a legitimate way to fall asleep, you need to close your eyes and be comfortable to do this.

How do you stay awake all night long?

no way in the morning you would fall asleep so there is no reason why

On catz 5 how do you make cats fall asleep?

you use the music box and select the song lullaby. but its not guaranteed that it will work, it only helps. You cannot MAKE them fall asleep. another way is pillows or baskets, or both together

How do birds not fall of their perches when they are asleep?

the same way you don't fall off your bed you may be asleep but your mind is always awake and going if you or the bird feels a slight imbalance in your body as in a falling motion you shall wake up as simple as that

What is a good way to fall asleep easiliy?

Try to follow the same routine every night before bedtime.

What is the fast way to fall asleep?

For me it is staring at a wall. The reason for that is because you will get bored and will soon fall asleep. Just remember not to watch t.v. for if you do you might like that episode ad will not go to sleep and might not get enough hours as well.Hope this helps! :D

What does it mean when someone falls asleep on you?

When someone falls asleep on you, it could mean that they feel comfortable and safe around you, and are able to relax enough to doze off. It could also indicate that they are tired or in need of rest.

What is the best way to eat a dog?

i find the best way to eat a dog is to wait til its asleep, gently pick it up and cook it alive....

What are some strategies for getting a baby to sleep?

Lullabies have always been a popular way to sooth babies and make them fall asleep.