If you are very underweight just exersizeand eat until your full. try to gain muscle, not fat. stay healthy! just cuz your friends weigh more or less than you doesn't mean anything! hope I helped. xoxo
There is no way to get taller faster. it's not the best way but testosterone boosts...
An easy way to get taller is by streching everyday as much as possible
I beleive that basketball is the best sport to get taller because when you shoot,dunk or do a layup you stretch up that means your body gets taller
There isn't a possible way to get taller by force, unless you use growth hormones.
The best way to lift a Grand Cherokee is to install tighter leaf springs. The leaf springs can be changed in some vehicles to make them appear taller.
i think playing lots of sport's, like mostly basketball i guess my big brother use to be short and he started playing basketball and he got taller
Dairy products help keep your bones straight and strong; a balanced diet, adequate exercise, and sufficient sleep are the best things you can do for your body while you grow. The best way to be taller (than your natural height) is to have taller ancestors.
Errm, Sleep?
Take Steriods
Eminem is taller than everyone, because he is superior, hence he is the best.
definitely no Optimus Prime is smaller than a building while way big is taller than the buildings so in short answer Optimus Prime is not taller than way big
There is no way to stop growing taller. You will stop growing usually around the age of 18.