Diesel fuel
As long as your fuel treatment contains a detergent. Xtreme Fuel Treatment contains a detergent and a demulisifier and polymerization dispersants to clean injectors, separate water and break up sludge.
There have been many oil additives and engine cleaners.There are few oil additives that actually help increase friction modifiers in conventional and synthetic oils.Lucas Oil Fuel Treatment is the best fuel injector cleaner.It includes both injector cleaners and fuel conditioners in one bottle.
Use of octane boosters is simply a waste of money unless your vehicle is knocking. The best maintenance product from STP is the general fuel treatment - Select one that removes water/moisture from your fuel tank.
Does not matter as it will mix with the fuel either way you do it.
To effectively use a gas treatment to remove water from your fuel system, follow these steps: Purchase a gas treatment product specifically designed to remove water from fuel systems. Add the recommended amount of the gas treatment to your fuel tank. Drive your vehicle for a sufficient amount of time to allow the treatment to mix with the fuel and remove the water. Repeat the process if necessary to completely remove any remaining water from the fuel system.
the best fuel is farty fuel
No, not unless you use to much.
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