There is no real answer to this question, as everyone has a different opinion on the best boy names.
However, the top three most popular boy names are:
To view boy names, please view the Related Link below.
the best Muslim baby boy name is ''wasif'' allot of boys in Britain and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan and India have this name ''wasif'' means ''a man of qualities and truly gifted by Allah.
I like Cameron
It depends on your last name, what you like, a name that would fit him/her as an adult, and if it is a boy or girl.
The best name for a baby boy is the one that you eventually choose for your own child. It's not always an easy decision, and there will be those who do not agree with a parent's choice, but in the end, it's something that is up to a parent to decide.
He would name a baby girl Darry's no boy
what baby boy name means mothers joy
In my opinion these are the best baby names for a: Girl: Audrina, Audrey, Lily, Klara, Caroline, Alyssa Boy: Ryan, Tyler, Owen, Lincoln is the best name for a boy and Corinne (core in) for a girl In my opinion these are the best baby names for a: Girl: Paige, Jaimi (spelt however you like), Alyssa, Emma, Sophie, Caitlin, Ashleigh Boy: Wyatt, Chris, Lewis, Lachlan, Stuart, Tyler Lincoln is the best name for a boy and Corinne (core in) for a girl.
The most popular boy baby name is mason and jacob.
For a girl: Stella (nickname: Stellie) For a boy: Oliver (nickname: Ollie)
It's my boy cat's name
There is not a name for a baby boy pig. A baby pig in general is just called a piglet.