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The best antacid is 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a 1/4 cup of lukewarm water, drink it fast it tastes terrible but you will get fast results. To see how well baking soda neutralizes acid pour a solution of 2 tablespoons of it mixed in 1/4 cup of water over a corroded battery terminal on a cars battery and you will see it in action and see how well it cleans up the corrosion.

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the cheapest brand. haha

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Q: What is the best antacid?
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How can titration be used to determine which antacid is the best?

To determine the best antacid using titration, you would add a known amount of stomach acid to a sample of each antacid solution and titrate the excess acid with a base (such as sodium hydroxide). The amount of base required to neutralize the acid can then be used to calculate the antacid's effectiveness at neutralizing acid. The antacid that requires the least amount of base to neutralize the acid would be considered the most effective.

Is an orange an antacid?

Yes, it is a antacid.

Is orange juice an antacid?

Yes, it is a antacid.

What makes antacid an acid?

Antacid is basic, not acidic.

Is an antacid considered an acid or a base?

An antacid is considered a base.

What is a sentence with the word antacid?

I took an antacid to relieve my heartburn after eating spicy food.

Is there a simple diagram of antacid tablets in the stomach?

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What does an antacid change in the pH process?

The pH increase with the help of an antacid.

What is 'antacid' when translated from English to Italian?

"Antacid" in English is antiacido in Italian.

Does the mass of Rolaids provide a lot of relief?

rolaids is the best Calcium Carbonate antacid. i just did a lab on this

What is the color of the antacid solution or bromocresol purple when an antacid is no longer effective?

The antacid solution or bromocresol purple will turn yellow when the antacid is no longer effective. This change in color indicates that the solution has become more acidic, suggesting that the antacid is no longer effective in neutralizing stomach acid.

Which antacid Rolaids Tums or Equate is best at neutralizing acid?

Which ever one has the most Ca2C03, or calcium carbonate.