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Q: What is the benefits of honey for humans?
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Can honey be injected into humans?

Honey was not injected to humans.

What is the relationship between Honey guides and humans?

Honey guides are birds that have a symbiotic relationship with humans known as mutualism. They help humans find beehives in exchange for leftover honey and bee larvae that humans cannot access. Humans benefit from the honey guides' guidance, while the honey guides benefit from access to the beeswax combs.

Is putting honey on your cereal better for you than sugur?

Oh, most definitely! As silly as it may seem initially, honey has numerous health benefits, especially with milk:

What are the medical benefits of honey?

The medical benefits of honey include both nutritional and medicinal. Honey is a natural sweetener and provides instant energy. Also, honey may used a topical treatment for allergies and wounds.

How do make honey?

Honey is not made by humans. Bees secrete it in their hive. Humans harvest it by smoking the bees to subdue them and then removing some of the honey comb from the hive.

Why can't humans consume wasp honey?

Humans can consume wasp honey it's just not as localised as you would see bee honey.

Does honey makes you grow taller?

No, but honey does have many other health benefits.

Do grizzly bears prefer humans to honey?

No grizzly bears only attack humans if they think that you are going to cause harm to them...... Or grizzly bears attack humans if they get frightened by them..... But they rather have honey than humans

How many bees make honey that is eaten by humans?

We only collect honey from honey bees, and there are seven species of honey bee worldwide.

How can you make honey not sticky?

You can't. It is a natural property of honey. You could try diluting the honey with water, but you would loose much of the benefits of eating honey.

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