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Manic-Depressive? We all like to label behavior, particularly when it is disturbing and affects our relationship. Manic-depressive behavior describes wide mood swings. It is also descriptive of a psychosis. In other words, it is a description that, because it often entails containment in a psychiatric ward, has the connotation of a serious mental ailment. Far be it for me to say that the label applies to your husband. In all likelihood, what you describe as manic-depressive might be violent outburts of anger. Anger can be very disturbing, especially if the other party does not know how to deal with it. Maybe you've grown up in a home where anger was shunned, while your husband had many angry interchanges in his home. We are all mostly what we bring along from our upbringing. Anger does little harm. It doesn't last. If it's anger, respond to it if you can and do it after the outburst. But, more than anything, read the pages about "anger" in the book recommendation on my Bio Page.

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Q: What is the behavior of a manic depressive husband?
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