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Q: What is the bad effects of wind?
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What is the effects of ice wind and rain on rocks called?

The effects of ice wind and rain on rocks is called erosion.

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There are no bad physical effects of masturbation.

Why is wind bad?

cause its cold with wind

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the bad effects of wood to people

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If you think rationally there are no bad effects of camera.

What are some bad facts about wind?

wind smells like the wind

What are the negative effects of wind?

they kill children

Have you had any bad effects on the zambezi river?

No, I have not had any bad effects on the Zambesi River.

What effects does wind have on the environment?

Actually, wind creates a cooler environment by decreasing the temperature.

What are the bad and good effects of mechanical energy?

mechanical energy good effects: no waste Bad Effects: over use can harm

What are some good and bad effects of watching anime?

Good effects - It can keep you entertained Bad effects - You may become a weeaboo

What does an ill wind mean?

The quotation is "it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good." This is from Shakespeare. An "ill" wind would be a bad or unpleasant wind - but the quote means that even a bad wind can result in good things in the end.