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60-100 beats per minute. :)

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Q: What is the avrage heartbeat per minute?
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How many times does the heartbeat per minute?

That may depend on how active or stressed you are, but at rest, the normal heartbeat is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

What is the tigers average heartbeat per minute?


What is your grandmas heartbeat?

Around 260 bpm (beats Per Minute)

What is heartbeat rate of elephant in minute?

72 beats per minut i think >_<

You are 82 years old and have a heartbeat of 58 per minute?

right as rain

Is eighty-three heartbeats in a minute normal?

yes, normal heartbeat for an adult is 60-100 beats per minute

What is the heartbeat of a 5 month fetus?

Between 140 to 160 beats per minute.

What is the minimum heartbeat rate?

60 - 100 beats per minute is the normal rate

How many heartbeats per year average?

Average heartbeat which is just an average number is 72 beats per minute. 72beats*60mins*24hrs*365.25days=37,869,120. Remember people don't have the same heartbeat rate and no one has the same heartbeat rate all year or every minute.

How many heart beats per minute does a 16 year old have?

the normal heartbeat is 70 t0 80 beats/minute.

How fast is a birds heatbeat?

A bird's heartbeat can range from 250 to over 1200 beats per minute, depending on the species. Smaller birds generally have faster heart rates compared to larger birds.

Is 90 beats a minute normal for a new baby?

A normal heart rate is usually anywhere from 60 to 100 beats per minute or BPM. 70 beats per minute...children are higher about 90 beats per minute. The baby's heartbeat is usually between 120 and 160 beats per minute, ...