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Q: What is the avrage age for a person?
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A avrage person would be 115 I.Q.

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What age will you get your period?

The avrage age for people to start it is 10-15 so don't be worrie if you haven't started.The average is 11-13.13

How long does fat people live?

avrage age but they are more likely to dye of a heart attack or cancer

What is the average age to be a babysitter?

The avrage age to start babysitting is 13 years old with haveing taken a first aid course. That is also the leagal age in New Hampshire.

You are 13 and your penis is 7 inches is that small?

It is very small for your age. i feel very bad for you.

What is the most amount of sex partner in a live time?

the avrage of a strate person is 3 to 5 for a bi person its usialy 7 to 12. the most every recorded was 300

How many figers dose the avreig porsen have?

The average person has 10 fingers, with 5 on each hand.

What would be an average medicine bill for a single person?

it depends one what type of medicine like for the common cold it 22 dollors avrage.

What is an avrage lifetime?

82 years.

How tall is the avrage 11 year old girl?

for a 11 year old girl about 4foot9 i am 11 and i am 5foot1and a half do not worry i am tall for my age