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157-170 lbs.


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Q: What is the average weight of a 6 '0 male aged 23 of a medium frame?
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What is considered over weight in a woman aged 43 and 5'6" tall?

If you have a small frame, then your weight should be between 120-133 lbs. If you have a medium frame, then it should be between 130-144. For a large frame, your weight should be between 140-159.

What is the average weight of a middle aged man?

The average weight of a middle aged man is 200 pounds. Of course this will depend upon the height of the man.

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How much should an average girl aged 14 weigh?

depends on her height. at 5'5 130 pounds is the average weight.

What is the average weight for men aged 30-38 years?

depends on the height and age of the individual

What is the average weight for a middle aged centaur?

There is no definitive answer as centaurs are mythical creatures and their weight can vary based on interpretation. Some depictions may show them with the average weight of a human of similar size, while others may factor in the weight of a horse's body.

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How much should a six foot one man weigh in pounds?

A healthy weight range for a six foot one man can vary, but it is generally recommended that he weighs between 140-183 pounds. This range can be influenced by factors such as muscle mass, body composition, and overall health. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine an appropriate weight for individual circumstances.

What should be the weight for 5 foot?

Acceptable weight range for 5 feet person is 97-128 pounds for aged 19-34 and and 138+ pounds for 35+ aged.

What is the average body mass index for a middle age woman?

The average body mass index (BMI) for a middle-aged woman can vary depending on factors such as height, weight, and muscle mass. However, a healthy BMI range for middle-aged women is typically between 18.5 and 24.9. It is important to note that BMI is just one measure of health and does not account for factors such as muscle mass or body composition.

Is 89lb the right weight for an aged 11 year old girl?

yes 89lb is the right weight for an 11 year old girl because that is 6.5 stone. most girls aged 11 are that weight which is perfect.

What is the average weight of a boy aged 12?

This all depends on his height. I would go to and search 'tools'. This will lead you to a page where you can pick a tool (in this case, the healthy weight tool) and enter his height and activity level. This should do the trick