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the average underarm is 97.8
Add 1 degree Fahrenheit to an axillary or underarm temperature to get actual body temp aka core temp.

97.6 under the arm is normal since a 98.6 temp is a normal core temp. Usually a core temp is considered a fever at 100.5 and greater.

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Q: What is the average underarm temperature?
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Do you add a degree when taking temperature underarm?

yes, add one degree when taking underarm temperature

What is the average underarm temperature for a 5 year old?

A child's body temperature is the same as an adult's body temperature. A normal oral temperature is 98.6 degrees. Forehead or underarm temperature is normally one degree less because it is more exposed to the air which results in less than a core-body temperature, so a normal forehead or underarm temp can be around 97.6. Note: A high underarm temp should be re-checked orally to confirm a fever. For example, if a forehead or underarm temp is 100.8, the oral temp is likely 101.8. Rectal temp is sometimes preferred to give a more accurate reading.

What do you use for temperature under the arm pit?

You can use a regular thermometer probe to take a underarm (axillary) temperature.

What is high underarm temperature for 5 month old?

A high underarm temperature for a 5-month-old is generally considered to be above 99.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37.6 degrees Celsius). It is important to monitor the temperature closely and consult a healthcare professional if it remains high or if your baby shows other symptoms of illness.

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What is constituted as a high temperature in a child?

A high temperature in a child is constituted to be above 99.5F (37.5C) on the skin of the underarm of the child. You can also measure the temperature by placing the thermometer in the child's mouth, but it is likely that the child will bite it.

When taking temp under arm do you add or minus temp?

You add 1 degree (Fahrenheit) or 1.8 degrees, depending on opinion. The reason for the uncertainty is that underarm measurement of body temperature is not very accurate. Nevertheless, it is a meaninful indication.

What is the average temperature for a swamp?

The average temperature is here. The average temperature is here.

Which is warmer the average room temperature or the average temperature in Britain?

Average room temperature.

How inaccurate is underarm thermometer?

Underarm thermometers can be less accurate than other types of thermometers, such as oral or rectal thermometers. They can be affected by factors like ambient temperature, sweating, and clothing. For the most accurate reading, it's best to use a thermometer in the mouth, rectum, or ear.

How much degrees is the average temperature of clay cylinders?

Average Temperature The average temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the best remedy for underarm odor for kids?

use deodorant every morning and your underarm odors will be invisible.