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I turned 13 two months ago and im a boy. I am currently 5'9 but of all my friends that are 13 im usually the tallest they prbably average in about 5'3?

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: What is the average hieght for a 13 yr old?
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What is the average weight for a mexican girl 13 yr old that is 5'7?

it is around 130-140

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I will say about 50-102 lbs. The max

What is an average weight for 13 yr old girl 5 ft 1?

90 pounds, or thereabouts

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0. seeming a 13 yr old is 70-90 lbs so ur lieing

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it depends alot on your body , medium usually the clothing size for a 13 yr. old boy

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Is a 5' 6 138 pound 13-year-old overweight?

No. Never, because the average 13 yr old should weigh about 130- 140 pounds for your height. Plus you still have growing to do.

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How much should a 5'4 13 yr old weigh?

it depends on if your a boy or girl. You can search BMI calculator on google to find if your average

What is average weight of 14 year old?

The average weight of 14 yr old boy is 105-135 lbs.The average weight of 14 yr old girl is 105-125 lbs.

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It depends where you live and the local legislation.

Does age matter when hanging out like is it weird 4 a 13 yr. old 2 hang out with a 16 yr. old?

yes it is