70-100 is the average HR for a heathy 21yr old. It may vary due to the heath and activity level of the person--lower for an athlete, higher for a person who is sedintary.
the average heart rate is to suck my dic k
the average heart rate of an older male in 70.
Average Heart Rate * Newborn 130 * Older Child 100 * Adult 60-101 Source: Wikipedia
The normal heart rate for a one year old boy is 70 to 110 beats per minute. The average is 98 beats per minute.
At rest a male 11 year old should have a heart rate of 80 to 95 BPM ( beats pear minute).
u a loser
The average is 60-80 bpm.
60-80 bpm
60-100 bpm is average
what is the average heart rate for a 65 year old male
The average resting Heart Rate for 10 year olds is 72 Beats per Minute (BPM)