There isn't exactly a set appropriate age but if you are in love with someone and you can legally get married then nobody can stop you. I personally wouldn't get married until I was 25 unless I felt confident that my relationship would last.
50 years old.
This is a difficult question to answer as there are different kinds of dating for different kinds of young people. Young people mature very early in their lives than they did say 60 years ago. Values have changed dramatically and many young people feel that they are quite capable of looking after themselves while on a date. Physically they have matured but their mentality has not advanced as fast. Do not take offence at that remark, but one has to admit that mental development can be a few years behind physical development.
There can be no set legal time when it is right to date. Dating is all to do with knowledge, wisdom, accountability and responsibility. Sixteen years of age may be fine if the young person has the above qualifications, even then the emotional side of the person may override all of these.
Ifsixteen is the agreed age set by the parents, they would be wise to set down other rules such as group dating or being chaperoned by an older person.
There will come a time when parents will have to put their trust in their son or daughter to act in the appropriate and responsible manner.
It is this old man's opinion that 17 years would be an age when a couple may start seeing each other, however, while one of them lives under your roof then home rules must be applied and privileges taken away if they are infringed upon.
Yes, if you are married and the appropriate age and if you know who the baby daddy is
It's neither appropriate nor inappropriate. 18 is the age the law recognizes you as a legal adult, and I recommend that any 18-year-old who wants to get married needs to finish high school first.
if you like this girl, and your age is appropriate, say yes. don't get her pregnant though until your married!
The appropriate age for a girl to get her ears pierced is 8.
It is NOT appropriate.
In my opinion, an appropriate age would be 12 or 13.
she got married at the age of 68
what age was Louis sachar when he got married
Maybe like 70 or 80 or 90 would probably be the appropriate age to die at.
anything that does not have slang or cursing is age appropriate. any internet slang is included as well
from the age of 3 to 5 years old is the appropriate age for a mini bride from the age of 3 to 5 years old is the appropriate age for a mini bride