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Q: What is the anesthesia code for hospital management of a continuous epidural drug delivery system for 5 days?
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Related questions

Does Medicare cover the cost of epidural?

We provide anesthesia services. Medicare has reimbursed for epidurals when used appropriately. We have never had an obstetrical epidural billed to Medicare. Medicare has also paid for the daily management of a patient on an epidural.

What is delivery of pre operative saddle anesthesia?

Pre-operative saddle anesthesia is administered via needle to the spinal canal. ...Think of it kind of like an epidural anesthesia given during labor.

Does epidural anesthesia cause swelling in feet after giving birth?

when you get the epidural could you get swelling?

What area is the anesthesia is administered to numb the nerves from the uterus and birth passage without stopping labor?


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Which type of anesthesia numbs only the tissue surface and is applied as a liquid ointment or spray?

Topical Anesthesia

Under what circumstances is epidural therapy performed?

Epidural anesthesia can block most of the pain of labor and birth for vaginal and surgical deliveries. Epidural analgesia is also used after cesarean sections

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is always performed with the patient under general anesthesia. An epidural catheter is inserted for the management of pain after the operation. The surgeon makes two incisions.

Does an epidural provide a pain free labor?

Well not necessarily an epidural. You can get a spinal anesthesia instead. You do need an anesthesia for a C-section, or it will be truly painful. You have choices so if you're against an epidural you can choose another anesthesia.

What risk does an orchiectomy patient have when an epidural is used?

If the patient is having epidural anesthesia, the risks include bleeding into the spinal canal, nerve damage, or a spinal headache.

Who created epidural block?

John Bonica was a pioneer and stalwart figure in pain medicine but he did not discover the epidural. Epidural anesthesia and analgesia had been around for many years. It is difficult to pinpoint who 1st described the technique. The 1st use came at the turn of the 20th century when numerous people attempted epidurals for surgical procedures but were met by failure. Over many years articles were published describing "caudal" anesthesia and analgesia which is a cousin to epidurals. Continuous "caudals" were 1st used in the 1940's where the needle would be left in patients for a period of time and a drip of local anesthetic infused into them. Dr. Bonica has many achievements and is credited with the 1st obstetric epidural in the Pacific NW. His wife nearly died in childbirth from open drop ether anesthesia and for the birth of his 2nd child Dr. Bonica placed an epidural into his own wife.

Why would a 12 year old girl became paralized when she was giving birth after she had an epidural anesthesia?

She may have moved when she was getting the epidural which can lead to being paralyzed in the worse case.