Healthily is the adverbial form of healthy.
Webster's 11th
*** webdic healthy ***
MAIN ENTRY: healthy
PRONUNCIATION: 'hel-thē also 'helt-
FUNCTION: adjective
INFLECTED FORM: health·i·er; -est
DATE: 1552
1 : enjoying health and vigor of body, mind, or spirit : WELL
2 : evincing health healthycomplexion>
3 : conducive to health
4 a : PROSPEROUS, FLOURISHING b: not small or feeble : CONSIDERABLE
- health·i·ly \-thə-lē\ adverb
- health·i·ness \-thē-nəs\ noun
synonyms HEALTHY, SOUND, WHOLESOME, ROBUST, HALE, WELL mean enjoying or indicative of good health. HEALTHY implies full strength and vigor as well as freedom from signs of disease healthy family>. SOUND emphasizes the absence of disease, weakness, or malfunction sound heart>. WHOLESOME implies appearance and behavior indicating soundness and balance wholesome glow>. ROBUST implies the opposite of all that is delicate or sickly robust little boy>. HALE applies particularly to robustness in old age
No, health is a noun. The adverb form of the adjective healthy is "healthily." (it is seldom used)
Yes, it is an adverb. It can mean "in a poor or substandard manner." It is also an archaic adjective or adverb meaning in poor health, e.g. "feeling poorly."
Yes, it is an adverb. It can mean "in a poor or substandard manner." It is also an archaic adjective or adverb meaning in poor health, e.g. "feeling poorly."
No, "well" is not a conjunction. It is commonly used as an adverb to describe how an action is done or to indicate good health. Conjunctions are words that connect clauses or sentences.
of or relating to a job or profession:hepatitis B may be an occupational disease for some health-care workers. This is an adverb
1. Adverb Of Time2. Adverb Of Place3. Adverb Of Manner4. Adverb Of Degree of Quantity5. Adverb Of Frequency6. Interrogative Adverb7. Relative Adverb
"Ever" is an adverb.
Softly is an adverb.
No, it is not an adverb. Truthful is an adjective, and the adverb form is "truthfully."
An adverb phrase is two or more words that act as an adverb. It would be modified by an adverb or another adverb phrase.
adverb is word that modified a verb,adjective.or other adverb
An adverb phrase is two or more words that act as an adverb. It would be modified by an adverb or another adverb phrase.