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Q: What is the advantages and disadvantages of Dendro Thermal energy?
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Can you translate the meaning of dendro thermal energy in tagalog?

"Dendro thermal energy" can be translated to Tagalog as "enerhiyang dendro termal." It refers to the energy derived from heat generated by the combustion or conversion of biomass from trees and plants.

What are the sources of dendro thermal energy?

Since dendro refers to tree, it just follows that the sources of dendro energy are from the burning of woods and lumber. Other materials such as paper trashes can also be used, but the main sustainable source is more on trees because this is a renewable source; it can be replanted for harvest several years after its planted.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of wave energy

Where can you find dendro thermal energy in the Philippines?

there is no dendrothermal energy in the philippines. during the time of marcos there was a project on dendrothermal power but because of the political issues the project did not push through

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Thermal energy?

Advantages of using thermal energy include it being a renewable resource, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and having a reliable and consistent energy source. Disadvantages may include high initial costs of installation, limited efficiency in some systems, and potential environmental impact during production.

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What are some advantages and disadvantages of nuclear reactors?

ADVANTAGES 1. releases large amounts of energy from small amounts of mass 2. very efficient 3. fuel lasts a long time 4. convert nuclear energy into thermal energy DISADVANTAGES 1. they are very expensive 2. they are hard to keep up 3. the waste is hard to get rid of

Disadvantages of thermal energy?

Some disadvantages of thermal energy include high operating costs, greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and the potential for environmental damage if not properly managed. Additionally, thermal energy systems can be limited by geographic location and are not always cost-effective compared to other renewable energy sources.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of energy from the sea?

Abolutely Nothing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hest energy?

hest mean

What are the advantages and disadvantages for tides energy?

no air pollution