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Q: What is the active ingredient in heartguard plus?
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How long does a dose of Heartguard Plus last in a dogs system'?

30 days. You must give the proper dose of Heartguard Plus every 30 days to protect your dog from Heartworms.

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Oxycodone is the active ingredient .

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Zolid and Zolid Plus are medications used for treating Type 2 Diabetes. Zolid contains the active ingredient Pioglitazone. Zolid Plus contains two active ingredients Pioglitazone and Metformin.

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the active ingredient in mentos is pepsi

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The active ingredient in Revolution for cats is selamectin.

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The active ingredient in synthroid - Levothyroxine Source: rx2040. com

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there is no active ingredient in spinach why is because that its just a vegetable.

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The active ingredient in milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide.

What is the active ingredient for lemons?

The active ingredient for lemons is citric acid. Citric acid is also an active ingredient that is found in oranges, limes, and other citrus fruits.

Is abilify the same as adavan?

No.. The active ingredient of Abilify is Aripirazole and the active ingredient of Ativan is Lorazepam.

What is the active ingredient for household ammonia?

The active ingredient in household ammonia is ammonia gas (NH3) dissolved in water.