

Best Answer

It consists mainly of Glycerin, purified water, paraffin soft and mineral oils.

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Q: What is the active ingredient in Sorbolene cream?
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Sorbolene cream is great. You can buy the unperfumed basic cream from supermarkets and pharmacies.

What is the pH of sorbolene cream?

The pH of sorbolene cream is typically between 5.5 and 7.5, which is close to the natural pH of human skin. This pH range helps maintain the skin's acid mantle and is suitable for most skin types.

What is the active ingredient in oxycodone?

Oxycodone is the active ingredient .

How do you use skin relief sorbolene?

you just apply this 3-4 time a day! this is just a replacement for soap or shaving cream.

What is the active ingredient in Viagra?

the active ingredient is sildenafil citrate

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the active ingredient in mentos is pepsi

What is the active ingredient in Revolution for cats?

The active ingredient in Revolution for cats is selamectin.

The active ingredient in synthroid?

The active ingredient in synthroid - Levothyroxine Source: rx2040. com

What active ingredient is found in spinach?

there is no active ingredient in spinach why is because that its just a vegetable.

What is the active ingredient in milk of magnesia?

The active ingredient in milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide.

What is the active ingredient for lemons?

The active ingredient for lemons is citric acid. Citric acid is also an active ingredient that is found in oranges, limes, and other citrus fruits.

Is abilify the same as adavan?

No.. The active ingredient of Abilify is Aripirazole and the active ingredient of Ativan is Lorazepam.