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A Z-pak consists of either three or five doses of the antibiotic, azithromycin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic which treats a variety of different infections, especially those which have been resistant to previous antibiotic treatments.

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Z Pak is used to treat various bacterial infections. Some examples would be a respiratory tract infection, a urinary tract infection, and even pneumonia.

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What is z-pak?

A Z-pak is a package of six pills each containing 250 milligrams of azithromycin.

What is a Z-pak?

A Z-pak is a package of six pills each containing 250 milligrams of azithromycin.

What is a z pak used for?

A Z-pak consists of either three or five doses of the antibiotic, azithromycin. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic which treats a variety of different infections, especially those which have been resistant to previous antibiotic treatments.

Can z-pak cure yeast infection?

No- Z-pak is an antibiotic to cure bacterial infections. Prescription Flucanzol (Diflucan) or OTC monostat is for Vaginal Yeast infections. There are several other prescription medications used for oral thrush. Antibiotics can actually cause yeast infections as a side effect

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Cephabell is a generic medicine, used as a cheaper substitute for the medicine Cephalexin. It is an oral antiobiotic.

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Can you take allergy medicine while on a z pak?

Yes, they are 2 different chemical makeups.

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Dr didn't know if eye infection viral or bacterial He prescribed Ciloxam.Is that dangerous to use if it turns out to be a viral infection Also he prescribed a Z-pack for sinus infection Good combo?

The antibiotic will not harm you if it turns out it is not bacterial, but it won't do you any good either. In your case, it is probably very difficult to determine if it is viral or bacterial. For school aged kids (or even adults going to work), the school usually requires the child to have at least 24 hours of an antibiotic when diagnosed with conjunctivitis (pink eye) - whether it is bacterial or not. Z-pak (alone) is indicated for sinus infections that have become bacterial infections. Z-pak plus bacterial sinus infection is a good combo. Z-pak and your other antibiotic taken together will not make your sinus infection better quicker than the Z-pak alone. Ciloxan opthalmic ointment or drops will not interact with the Z-pak, either (not harmful taken together).

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