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omnivore omnivore
"Normal"? "Omnivorous"?

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Someone who doesn't eat meat is called a vegetarian.

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"Normal"? "Omnivorous"?

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Q: What is the Word person who eats meat and vegetables?
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What is the Word for a person who eats meat and vegetables?


Is a pescetarian someone who eats meat and fruit and vegetables... but no fish?

A pescetarian is a person who eats fruits, vegetables AND fish, but NO meat, chicken or gelatin.

People who don't eat dairy or meat are called?

Any person or creature that eats both meat and vegetables is considered an omnivore. A person who only eats meat is called a carnivore and a person who eats only eats vegetables is called a herbivore.

Eats both meat and vegetables?

An omnivore eats both meat and vegetation.

What is the Word person who only eats vegetables?

Vegetarian's do not eat meat. Yet they still consume milk and cheese. A Vegen does not consume any animal products

Do all mammels eat the same thing?

No.Mammals could be an omnivore which eats both meat and vegetables, a carnivore which only eats meat and a herbivore which eats vegetables.

What animal eats meat and herbs?

An animal that eats meat and vegetables is known as an omnivore. Most animals that are carnivores usually eat vegetables, too.

What is a person called if they eat meat and vegetables?

Any animal (or person) that eats both plants and other animals is called an omnivore. If they only eat plants, we like to call them vegetarians but the scientific name is herbivore. Humans normally eat both plants and meat.

If an animal eats meats fruits and vegetables it is a an?

animals that eat both meat and vegetables are called omnivores

What do you call a person who eats meat?

A person who eats meat is commonly referred to as a carnivore or an omnivore.

Why constipation is common among people in western countries who eat more meat and processed food?

if a person eats to much meat and not any vegetables or fruits it is hard for the the stomach to digest food

What is it when you eat meat and vegetables?

An organism that eats both plants and animals is an omnivore.