Rest: Rest the injury
Ice: apply ice to the injury
Compress: wrap the injury, apply compression.
Elevate: Elevate the injury
The most common injury that needs RICE is an ankle sprain or foot injury, or injury to a knee. Wrists and elbows are also common injury sites. A shoulder or a hip can be injured during a fall, BUT RATHER THAN elevation, these joints need to be kept in natural alignment. Patients with an injury to a rotating joint need to be stabilized, assessed, and typically transported to the ER by ambulance.
RICE stands for "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation". That means:
it is first dried for stable storage and then sold to a rice mill. At this stage, the rice is referred to as "paddy" or "rough" rice. Using high-tech machinery, millers shell the rice by removing the inedible hull
Sprains, strain's, and most any muscular injury.
Marinate the meat in yoghurt & then cook it with onions, tomatoes & herbs , in rice on a slow flame.
it's not a procedure - it's discharge instructions: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
it is a procedure where a thicker niddle use to take a core of tissue from organ
Rice Procedure R Rest and support I ice cold Compression C compression E elevation
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is used to treat minor injuries such as sprains or strains, usually to the arms or legs.
No. Rice noodles are made of rice while thin spaghetti noodles are made of flour. Different taste and texture. Rice noodles are very white, spaghetti is not. Hope this helps!
One can eat basically anything with rice, from beans, chicken or a simple broth. The basics are basically meats (including fish) and veggies. Some individuals also eat rice plain. Spices or other types of seasoning can add extra flavoring.
Good rice
The rice absorbs liquid as it cooks, expanding like a small sponge, until the liquid is almost gone and the rice has tripled or quadrupled in size.
white rice